

This section is primarily concerned with configuring an instance of cupd. cupd is the server side component of the Cup ecosystem. This is where all the components for checking out repositories, hosting and managing API resources, transforming contents and making proposals to Git repositories takes place.


cupd the binary starts with some top-level configuration parameters.

These parameters can be adjusted in three different ways:

  • As command-line flags
  • As environment variables
  • Via a configuration yaml file

cupd serve

  cupd serve --help
  Run the cupd server
  cupd serve [flags]
  -api-address :8181          server listen address
  -api-git-repo string        target git repository URL
  -api-git-scm github         SCM type (one of [github, gitea])
  -api-local-path .           path to local source directory
  -api-resources .            path to server configuration directory (controllers, definitions and bindings)
  -api-source local           source type (one of [local, git])
  -tailscale-auth-key string  Tailscale auth key (optional)
  -tailscale-ephemeral=false  join the network as an ephemeral node (optional)
  -tailscale-hostname string  hostname to expose on Tailscale